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The Occupation of Time被掠夺的时间

Twenty years before October 7, 2024, but more than half a century after what Palestinians call the Nakba, and Israelis call the founding of a safe haven in a hostile world, I went with some friends to the occupied West Bank. I wanted to see what was happening there with my own eyes and to host a discussion between Israeli and Palestinian architects.


Before I eventually reached Ramallah, I crossed basically all spatial regimes you could think of to live or not live together.


I visited Tel Aviv, with its reminiscences of the glorious self-determination of the Jewish people and its melting pot of different subcultures. I passed through Jerusalem, which, although very tense, still showed forms of respectful coexistence sustained by zoning, enclaves, and, if need be, corridors. I crossed the border to the Palestinian Territory, experiencing its extensive maze of walls and gates, strict surveillance, and other forms of spatial apartheid.


Through all that, I heard the stories of people whose families had been deported or who had to leave their land during those violent years at the end of the 1940s.


These regimes, with all their degrees of diminishing mutual trust, attest to respect for at least one thing: other people's lives. Whatever the complexity of the intertwining histories of people who called themselves indigenous, native, local, or at least completely legitimized to live there, the way they danced around each other was, at the very least, based on a basic acknowledgment of the other as a human being.


ARCHIS R.S.V.P. EVENTS on 7 October, 2004

responsible-based Ecents; A Quest for Ideas, Spirit and Action featuring You, Arhics and AMO

But then came the discussion, which opened my eyes to another dimension beyond the spatial. It was the dimension of time. More than sadness about the loss of agency in an occupied land, it was the excruciating pain of the loss of vitality in occupied time. People shared their stories of how their lifetime crumbled away under the endless daily waiting that came with moving from A to B—that is, that came with living their lives.


And they told me what they were waiting for, in those endless queues. They were living in a world in which authorities wanted to know who you were, where you were, where you had been, why you were there, why you still were there, and so on. To lead such a life was no longer just to pass through checkpoints; it was to become a checkpoint. They were victims of a war not just conducted to occupy space, but to occupy their lifetime. In the long run, it could lead to a spatial policy more cruel even than deportation: exile from one's self.


And then it happened: a woman stepped forward. Reluctantly, she said that she had met the love of her life while waiting in a line. No matter the cruelty around her, her humanity wouldn't surrender.


On this day of remembrance, let us overcome fear, hate, revenge, and abuse, and remember her loving imagination as the only way out to ever come closer to peace.



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