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Peace as a Creative Act和平作为一种创造性的实践

After more than 5 months of traveling across Europe and Asia, I recently reached Shanghai safe and sound. Unharmed and on my own bicycle. Notwithstanding some risky situations, I haven’t been stopped, ambushed or kidnapped. My stuff hasn’t been stolen. I didn’t get sick. I reached China in peace.


And yet I can't escape the feeling of having barely escaped conflict, violence, and even war. Or did I really, after all?


In Western Europe all the way to Vienna, I traversed several guilty landscapes from the Second World War and Holocaust, which reverberations recently have come back in full force with the West taking side with Israel as if its a moral duty to do so.


In Eastern Europe, traumatic traces of the Cold War and the resurgence of nationalist narratives were very visible.


Arriving in the Middle East, and hence the Islamic countries, people increasingly wanted to talk about the plight of their fellow Muslims, especially the Palestinians, whose destruction they could follow live on screen every day.


In Iran, this general sense of injustice became very specific with the outburst of conflict on the brink of war, with people being torn between sadness and anger, seeking comfort and consolation in art and literature.


In the Central Asian countries, the memories of being ruled by foreign forces were very fresh. I also met Russians who were hiding from war and the consequential potential conscription to fight in it.


In China, I rode through a surreal situation of a peaceful and extremely beautiful place that the western world has deemed the stage of a cultural oppression.


And in Eastern China, I was surrounded by people who increasingly face the woes of a Western world turning its back to their country. As a foreigner they easily could have blamed me for it. But they didn’t. On the contrary. They were glad to meet someone visiting and learning from China.



Given this turmoil and strife on the world stage, wasn’t I lucky to make it to Shanghai unharmed?


Maybe there was something else besides luck that helped me through: the will, if not people’s natural inclination towards peace.


At the very beginning, I made a stop at a peace monument: the Lion’s Mound in Waterloo, overlooking Napoleon’s last battlefield, watching over any new imperial ambitions France may even summon again.


I saw Martin Luther on his pedestal in Worms, a cartouche stating that peace of mind is much more important than orthodoxy.


I followed the Danube that now connects many countries it once divided, even taking some ferries on lazy afternoons.


As soon as I went beyond the enforced boundaries of Fortress Europe, I began to explore a large non-western psychological repertoire of alternatives to the practice of ignoring, judging, competing, or even fighting the zero-sum games of global politics.


In Türkiye, the first word that caught my attention was “welcome” (hosgeldiniz). I saw it so many times along the road, I decided to look it up.


In Iran, I was enthusiastically introduced to the Sufi poetry of love from ancient poets like Shams Tabrizi and his student Rumi, masters in finding words for the essentials of human affection.


In Uzbekistan, the national narrative turned out to revolve largely around keeping the peace with the mighty neighbours of India, Russia, the European Union, and China, with in its National Museum a remarkable display of the Uzbek president shaking hands with other leaders.


Upon the border of Kyrgyzstan, I was quickly permitted entry to the country when I replied to the question of the purpose of my visit that I wanted to visit the Suleiman Too, or the Throne of Solomon, the wise king from the Old Testament and the Quran, who was a master of reconciliation between humans and between humans and nature. A cyclist with such intentions, welcome my friend.

在吉尔吉斯斯坦边境,当我回答入境目的时,说我想参观苏莱曼托(Suleiman Too),即所罗门的宝座——这位在《圣经》和《古兰经》中被称为人类与自然之间和解的智慧之王时,我很快获得了入境许可。一个有这样的意图的骑行者,欢迎你,我的朋友。

And in China I followed the traces of centuries of disseminated Buddhism and its ideas about seeking Enlightenment and inner peace, before arriving into the heartlands of Daoism and Confucianism, values systems different in inspiration, but alike in their emphasis on social harmony as something to work for and accomplish over time.


With these recent experiences, I came to understand much more deeply the difference between concepts of peace in the West and those in the East. Maybe no wonder. In the Roman languages, peace comes from "pax" or "pag," which means the lack of war. More precisely, it refers to the time between wars. It’s the negative of war, so to speak. Another word coming from the same etymology is “pay,” as something that averts war. Paying your due means basically paying off war. War is a normality you may succeed to avoid. Or may not succeed. Deep down in the word Peace there is an acceptance of its temporariness.


Compare this with the Chinese word for peace: 和平/HePing. In a previous blog, I already shared with you the origins of the word “和/He," in which people and food come together as the essence of social harmony. In turn, the addition of “平/Ping" extends this this concept by incorporating the notion of balance, as represented in the character for Ping: 平, a human figure lifting its arms, holding a beam in balance. HePing as a value not only presupposes the presence of food and humans but also fair social distribution. To achieve this, a constant positive effort needs to be made. Peace in this Eastern version, is a creative act, not the negative of war. Making peace is an art that requires at least wisdom and modesty. Peace is hard work too.


So here is my speculation: It may be the complete lack of these wisdoms in current Western mainstream thinking, that inhibits any idea of pursuing peace in the West, even sometimes demonises anyone who does, and facilitates the growing distrust and feeling that once again a debt needs to be paid. By the others, of course.



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