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Journey to the East东游记|Turn of History历史的转折

For centuries, as a European I would have said: I have reached the Levant, or Asia Minor, or Anatolia. But, these days I just say “I’m in Türkiye now”. And more than any Occidental nomenclature, if there is one thing that shows abundant reminiscences to history, it is the Turkish flag.


It carries the well-known Islamic sign of Crescent and Star, legacy of the Ottoman Empire that ruled from 14th to 20th century. But, much deeper, it refers to a completely different concept of life, which I happen to believe goes beyond an Islamic symbolism, to touch upon alternative concepts of time, creation, worship, and gratitude in life.


Maybe it even goes back to the very first sentences of the Old Testament, up to the moment when God said “Let there be Light”, the origin of stars and crescent, implying that all that comes after, cannot do without it. And that every day, and every month, reminds us to that simple fact. Apparently, with a little help of the Turkish flag and with it, the flag of a number of other Islamic countries.



I am writing this in such essentialist wordings, as I came to realize what it means to start deviating from this simple truth while passing a little town that once witnessed two of the most important Councils in the history of Christianity, pinning down an orthodoxy that is shared even by Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant and other Christian Churches: Nicaea, today known as Iznik. A place where this deviation became substance of new dogma. While I go further East, across mountain ridges and dusty roads, it wasn’t left unnoticed that I crossed paths with a theological dispute that marked much of history since Constantine the Great and the acceptance of Christianity as State religion, adding power to synthesis.


Both Councils of Nicaea (325 and 787 AD), the first and the last of seven Councils bridging about 450 years of early Middle Ages, where crucial in taking an alternative theological road to what was taught thus far in any Old Testament based thinking: the definition of what is Holy, defining Christ and the Holy Spirit of equal holy substance as God himself; and secondly the restoration of veneration of icons as a genuine act of devotion. Both moments mark a definitive departure of the much more basic spiritual traditions that came before, pre-empting the beginning of a Christian civilization that, with no exaggeration, has determined much of all antagonisms ever since. And hence, much of all violent showdowns that followed. What started in Nicaea as theological disputes, developed as clashes of civilizations, orientalisms and book burnings. And much worse.


The First Council of Nicaea, by adding Jesus and the Holy Spirit to the godly rostrum, gave final vindication to the Gospel, and hence the New Testament. It was good perhaps for the unity of Christianity, while providing a stick to wield all others. The Second Council of Nicaea defined the means of worship, which, perhaps at a slightly less fundamental level, divided as much as it synthesized, and lays at the root of any fights between so called true believers and heretics. It stipulated that an image could be as holy as the content of that image. Ever since, iconoclast could be considered dangerous fundamentalists.


There are many things to explore while going on a Journey to the East. There are plenty moments to enjoy the subtle shifts of cultural change. But sometimes it’s good to grasp the meaning of a place, whatever modest today, as a genuine turning point, as a new Beginning of History, splendid and bleak at once. This is to Iznik, to acknowledge its role in human history as the place of a great divide.



Journey to be continued...

and to follow the Journey by





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